Responsible Energy Management
Energy efficiency is the cornerstone of Stellantis’ approach. The Company continues to improve the energy efficiency of its operations around the world, taking advantage of state-of-the-art energy management tools for its facilities. Efforts to implement decarbonized electricity on a broader scale are getting into gear, with ambitious projects on photovoltaic and wind parks which will operate on and off-site in Europe, North America and South America.
At the Mangualde plant in Portugal, Stellantis recently announced the implementation of a photovoltaic solar energy capture project for self-consumption. Once fully implemented, it will cover 31% of the facility’s electricity needs, allowing the annual avoidance of 2,500 tons of CO2 emissions. In Zaragoza, Spain, the plant will generate 14,340 MWh per year thanks to a ground-mounted system of 34,800 solar panels. In Madrid, Spain, the facility’s rooftop displays a 6.7-MWp solar on-site generation system, made by 15,000 solar panels that will cover over 30% of the factories energy needs, saving more than 8,000 MWh per year. Various other locations around the world also embrace solar power to provide self-produced green energy, including sites in France, India and Germany.
Zaragoza Photovoltaic Plant
Pioneering Real Estate Management
Stellantis pioneered new, flexible ways of working for its workforce that safeguard its employees as well as reduce real estate footprint at its facilities. The Company targets to cut emissions 75% by 2030 and its “New Era of Agility” (NEA) project contributes to this goal. NEA transforms Stellantis’ working methods, with an average distribution of 70% of working time at distance and 30% on site for all employees whose activity allows it. The project allows Stellantis to be more agile and efficient while the Company continues to work to optimize its manufacturing footprint.
Further, in Poissy, France and Rüsselsheim, Germany, Stellantis plans to develop green campuses that will serve as role models for the rest of the facilities, as they embrace the low-carbon concept and extensive “greening” by 2025. Efforts include installing extensive solar panels on roofs, reducing footprints with modern vegetated sites, and using cutting-edge construction technologies to reduce CO2 emissions.