Special Voting Shares
Shareholders participating in the Loyalty Voting Program will have their common shares registered in the Loyalty Register maintained by the Company’s registrar. Those shares are not tradable. In order to be able to readily trade, shareholders may, at any time, request de-registration from the Loyalty Register and transfer of the common shares to the account of an intermediary participant in either DTC, Monte Titoli (“MT”) or Euroclear France (“EFR”). By de-registering, shareholders will no longer be entitled to the associated special voting shares.
In order to participate in/exit from the “Loyalty Voting Structure”:
U.S. shareholders may contact:
Computershare (US)
P.O. Box 43078
Providence, RI 02940
Telephone (U.S.): 1-855-807-3164
Telephone (outside U.S.): 1-732-491-0514
E-mail: web.queries@computershare.com
Shareholders whose shares are or have to be deposited with a Monte Titoli Participant may contact:
Computershare S.p.A.
Via Nizza 262/73 - 10126 Turin (Italy)
Telephone: +39 011-0923206
E-mail: stellantis@computershare.it
Shareholders whose shares are or have to be deposited with an Euroclear France Participant may contact:
Société Générale Securities Services
Assemblées Générales
32 Rue du Champ de Tir
CS 30812
44308 NANTES cedex 3 - France
Telephone: +33 (0) 2 51 85 67 89
E-mail: assemblees.generales@sgss.socgen.com
Fax: +33 (0)2 51 85 62 15
Internet: sharinbox.societegenerale.com