Human Rights

Our unwavering commitment to Human Rights and ethical business practices is an intrinsic part of our corporate culture, and closely aligned with various globally recognized standards and principles. As we navigate the challenges and opportunities in our industry, our commitment is to uphold the highest Human Rights standards in every facet of our operations.

We embrace the profound impact we have in today’s interconnected world and our Dare Forward 2030 strategic plan reaffirms our commitment to ethical responsibility. It is at the core of our organization and serves to create a sustainable future of mobility for our customers, our employees, our business partners, and our planet.

Globally, we have established appropriate due diligence processes that include actions to safeguard against Human Rights abuses in any part of Stellantis’ business and in its supply chain. We are aligned with internationally recognized standards including the United Nations (UN) Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights, the 10 principles of the UN Global Compact, the International Labour Organization (ILO) Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work, the OECD Due Diligence Guidance for Responsible Business Conduct, the European Union Conflict Minerals standard, and the International Bill of Human Rights.

Stellantis Chief Human Resources and Transformation Officer, Xavier Chéreau Stellantis Chief Human Resources and Transformation Officer, Xavier Chéreau

“At Stellantis, we are strongly committed to respecting and protecting Human Rights. We understand that they are critical to the sustainability of business, to business partners, and to the communities where we operate. They are part of our business and who we are as a Company.”

Xavier Chéreau
Head of Human Resources, ESG & Heritage


Governance; Risk Identification and Assessment; Prevention, Mitigation and Remediation; Tracking Implementation and Monitoring Results; Reporting a Concern, Question or Grievance; Communication Governance; Risk Identification and Assessment; Prevention, Mitigation and Remediation; Tracking Implementation and Monitoring Results; Reporting a Concern, Question or Grievance; Communication


Stellantis appointed a Human Rights Officer in 2023 to lead our Human Rights efforts and align our Human Rights Program with international standards. Initiatives are closely monitored by the Human Rights Committee, which is led by our Chief Human Resources and Transformation Officer and includes representatives from across the Company. The Ethics and Compliance Committee maintains strict oversight over the Human Rights Program. Regular reporting is also provided to the Board of Directors’ Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Committee and the Audit Committee. Finally, the robustness of the Human Rights Program is enhanced by annual reviews of the Audit and Compliance department, as well as by mandatory Human Rights training.

Human Rights Training Human Rights Training

Human Rights Training

At Stellantis, Human Rights training is mandatory for all employees, reflecting our unwavering dedication to human dignity and equality in the workplace. Through this training, our workforce is introduced to our core values and dedication to Human Rights, and the potential consequences of violations, instilling a deep understanding of the Company’s: 

  • commitment to worker’s rights
  • zero tolerance for violence and harassment
  • policy of anti-corruption 
  • strict laws/rules on data privacy
  • respect for the individual
  • staunch opposition to forced or child labor
  • principles of fair pay and collective bargaining

In addition, our training emphasizes the importance of speaking up through our Integrity Helpline, a secure and confidential method for reporting concerns.

Risk Identification and Assessment

We have developed our annual risk assessment according to the guidelines outlined by the Danish Institute of Human Rights (DIHR) - a national Human Rights institution that operates in accordance with the UN Paris Principles.

Using the data collected, we created an index to identify the most significant Human Rights risks specific to each country in which we operate and to prioritize interventions.

Our risk assessment was further strengthened by surveying internal stakeholders in line with the impact and financial materiality standards. This aspect of materiality delves into financial aspects that can greatly affect how well a company performs financially and how it’s valued.

This assessment enabled us to identify areas requiring attention and potential challenges along the value chain.

Based on 1) the likelihood of occurrence within our operations and 2) the potential for emergence within our value chain, we identified the following salient risks.


Child or Forced Labor - Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8; Integrated Human Rights Due Diligence; Inadequate or Unequal Wages - SDGs 5, 8 and 10; Land, Air, Water and Waste Pollutants - SDGs 6 and 12; Harassment, Exploitation and Violence – SDGs 5 and 10; Compliance with Human Rights Regulations - SDGs 9 and 17. Child or Forced Labor - Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 8; Integrated Human Rights Due Diligence; Inadequate or Unequal Wages - SDGs 5, 8 and 10; Land, Air, Water and Waste Pollutants - SDGs 6 and 12; Harassment, Exploitation and Violence – SDGs 5 and 10; Compliance with Human Rights Regulations - SDGs 9 and 17.

Note: The risks presented above are not prioritized in terms of importance for Stellantis

Related UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

Icons for SDG 5 Gender Equality; SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities; SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals. Icons for SDG 5 Gender Equality; SDG 6 Clean Water and Sanitation; SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth; SDG 9 Industry Innovation and Infrastructure; SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities; SDG 12 Responsible Consumption and Production; SDG 17 Partnerships for the Goals

For a description of the six salient risks identified by Stellantis, download the PDF.
To learn more about the UN SDGs, visit the Fast Facts page.

Prevention, Mitigation, and Remediation

We have established robust mechanisms to identify and assess both actual and potential adverse impacts in line with the OECD guidelines for responsible business conduct. 

Through monitoring and feedback loops, we design actions that lead to tangible improvements and that adapt our strategies to the changing landscape of our industry. If identified, we would take measures to address adverse impacts that are a direct result of our operations.

As we make significant strides in electrification, we are working to integrate Human Rights and environmental sustainability principles into every stage of the electrification process, from mining to manufacturing.

Beyond our direct operations, we also work in collaboration with our suppliers and partners to address the risks and complexities across our value chain. Our Global Responsible Purchasing Guidelines are designed to align our partners and suppliers with our Human Rights ideology.

United Nations flag United Nations flag

Commitment in Action: Eradicating Forced Labor from Our Supply Chain

One example of our commitment is our proactive stance against forced labor.

Dedicated Taskforce: We have mobilized a cross-functional taskforce with specialists from various departments including Compliance, Legal, Human Rights, Customs, Supply Chain, Purchasing, Public Affairs, and Parts & Services. This team is dedicated to identifying forced labor within our supply chain and taking appropriate steps toward its eradication.

Focused Due Diligence: Our taskforce actively runs risk-based due diligence that increases our visibility into the integrity of our suppliers and other business partners, and possible associations to forced labor.

Advanced Supply Chain Mapping: Recognizing the vastness and intricacies of our supply chain, we have leveraged the assistance of specialized services to map our supply network with a risk-based approach designed to maximize compliance with regulatory requirements and alignment with our Human Rights values.

End-to-End Accountability: Through these measures, we seek to align every component, part, and service that contributes to our vehicles with our strong ethical commitments.

Tracking Implementation and Monitoring results

Our commitment to upholding Human Rights extends to monitoring our actions and transparently sharing our progress. Stellantis believes in the power of accountability and the need for actionable insights.

Setting Benchmarks: The salient risks identified through our continuous risk assessment process shape our strategies and actions with dedicated business owners responsible for overseeing management of each risk.

Establishing Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): KPIs are in place for each identified risk and, in addition to measuring performance, they also guide us in prevention, mitigation, and remediation.

Committee Oversight: All salient risks and associated KPIs are routinely reported to our Human Rights Committee, which monitors the Human Rights Program at a high level, and provides insights based on the expertise of its diverse group of members.

Transparent Reporting: Recognizing the importance of transparency toward stakeholders, we are committed to publishing the defined risks and KPIs on this website and within our various disclosure documents, such as the Corporate Social Responsibility Report.

Stellantis Integrity Helpline logo Stellantis Integrity Helpline logo

Reporting a Concern, Question, Grievance

The Stellantis Integrity Helpline, a secure and confidential method for reporting concerns, underpins our commitment. The Integrity Helpline, which is reachable via the Company’s website, allows employees, contractors, suppliers, dealers and every member of the public to report any issues that may concern vehicle safety, emissions or regulatory compliance, or violations to our Code of Conduct. 



At Stellantis, we believe in open and honest communication about how we run our Company, and how effective we are. We are always open to learning from others.

You can reach out to us with any Human Rights questions or comments by sending an email to:

Modern Slavery Act

Our latest modern slavery statements are available at the following links (search for the relevant Stellantis company):